
Welcome to the Sustainability Collective!

This platform was initially designed to share knowledge, contacts, research, and expand the voice of sustainability at NCKU. It was discussed that this platform could serve a more expanded role as the launching point for all programs, clubs, research groups, and initiatives connected to sustainable development.

Sustainability Talk

We bring together sustainability practitioners from different backgrounds to talk about current trends and challenges. This is in the form of a live podcast which is set to broadcast twice a month. The idea came about to give students the opportunity to talk, listen and discuss sustainability with professors, researchers, students, and professionals. The format works in a way that people can tune in and listen to a talk from a guest, and then have a chance to jump in at the end and ask questions and discuss the topic introduced. The goal is to create a space for dialogue for anyone to share their ideas and opinions connected to sustainability. 

International Summer School

The annual NCKU International Summer School has become an ideal point for students to become familiar with interdisciplinary learning. Professors across multiple departments join together to offer a truly special short course.
  • 2021.   8/2-8/11    Sustainable Environment, Myth or Reality?
  • 2020.   8/25-8/29    Virtual courses on International Entrepreneuership for Global Challange
  • 2019.   8/2-8/15    Globally Sustainable Future: Perspectives from the United Nations and NCKU
  • 2018.   8/3-8/17    Circular Economy Theory and Practice
  • 2017.   7/20-8/4   i Circular Economy
  • 2016.   7/28-8/13   Sustainable Development and Management for Lowland Environmental Resilience
  • 2015.   7/28-8/20   Creative Living in the Historical Capital
  • 2014.   7/30-8/26    Creative Living in the Historical Capital; Environment, Creativity, and Culture
  • 2013.   7/1-8/31   Global Business Development and Resulting Models

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